
How Long Are License Plate Numbers

Indonesia vehicle registration plates

The pattern of Indonesian registration plates for private vehicles from April 2011 until June 2022,[1] [two] with 2008 numbering scheme for high population regions

The design of Indonesian registration plates only for private vehicles that uses customized vehicle registration numbers from August 2019 to June 2022.[3] The Indonesian Police Traffic Corps logo is now printed on the lower left and more than prominent.

Current design of Indonesian registration plates for private vehicles since 2022. The colour scheme is inverse from black plates with white messages into white plates with black letters

All motorized vehicles including motorcycles in Indonesia are required to have registration plates. Plates are required to be displayed at the front and back of vehicles. The issuing of number plates is regulated and administered past the I-stop Assistants Services Office [id] (Indonesian: Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap) or Samsat, which is a collaboration between the Indonesian National Police, provincial offices of regional revenue, and the national mandatory vehicle insurance operator Jasa Raharja.

History [edit]

Colonial Era [edit]

Two children standing next to a Plymouth with "AA 20" plate. The car was belong to the family of J.W. Bijleveld. c.  1936.

Vehicle registrstration plates in Republic of indonesia were first introduced in 1900. The early on format only includes regional codes and registration numbers without any official standards. Some plates were non always installed at the front and the rear of the vehicle, some of them put the plates at the left or right side of the vehicle, such as for the lawmaking of Cirebon (CH), Surabaya (SB) and the eastern coast of Sumatra (SOK). For international purposes, the Authorities of the Dutch East Indies introduced the code IN for government vehicles. IN plates were ellipse, but the registration numbers were putted below with rectangular shape.[four]

The more structured system was introduced in 1917 with the implementation of "Voorschriften omtrent den inhoud der aanvragen om nummer- en rijbewijzen, het opgeven nummers en messages, de modellen van nummer- en rijbewijzen, het aanleggen van registers van houders der bewijzen en het bekend maken van den inhoud der registers" (Regulations regarding the content of applications for number and driving licenses, the specification of numbers and letters, the models of number and driving licenses, the establishment of registers of holders of the licenses and the publication of the contents of the registers). The regulation nationally oblige all vehicle owners to register their vehicles. The Karesidenan-based system was get-go implemented at the island of Coffee and spread outside Java later.[five] At the fourth dimension, the alphabetical codes were:

  • A: Banten
  • B: Batavia (now Djakarta)
  • D: Priangan (now Bandung)
  • East: Cirebon
  • Grand: Pekalongan
  • H: Semarang
  • G: Rembang
  • L: Surabaya
  • Thousand: Madura
  • North: Pasuruan
  • P: Besuki
  • R: Banyumas
  • AA: Kedu
  • AB: Yogyakarta
  • AD: Surakarta
  • AE: Madiun
  • AG: Kediri
  • BA: Western Coast of Sumatra
  • BB: Tapanuli
  • BD: Bengkulu
  • BE: Lampung
  • BG: Palembang
  • BH: Jambi
  • BK: Eastward Sumatra
  • BL: Aceh
  • BM: Riau
  • BN: Bangka
  • BP: Belitung
  • BR: Westward Kalimantan
  • DA: Southward Kalimantan dan East Borneo
  • DB: Manado
  • DD: Sulawesi
  • DE: Ambon
  • DG: Ternate
  • DH: Timor
  • DK: Bali and Lombok

Until the 1920s, the registration plates regional codes were added along with the Karesidenan regional expansion. For instance, Bogor with the code F, Bojonegoro with the code Southward, and western Papua with the code DS.[4] [vi]

Post-colonial era [edit]

1980s [edit]

The license plate design during the New Order with the expire date above the registration numbers.

The early format that simply includes regional codes and registration numbers was still used after Indonesia proclaimed its independence in 1945. At the beginning of the 1980s, a smaller, iv digit numbers separated by dot at the bottom of the plate was introduced which denote the month and year of when the plate volition expire (east.g. 06•87 ways until June 1987), and the owner must pay the revenue enhancement to renew it every five years. The typefaces are embossed. There are 2 variations of design during the New Society, the expire date tin be putted above or beneath the registration numbers.[half-dozen] [7]

21st Century [edit]

Blueprint of Indonesian registration plate for private vehicles from 2000s[viii] to April 2011.[1]

Along with the increase of motorized vehicles in Republic of indonesia, the technical design and specification of the vehicle registration plates began to be regulated by the Traffic Directorate of the Indonesian National Police (Direktorat Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia/Ditlantas Polri). The size of the license plates during the 2000s was 395 × 135 mm (four cycle vehicles or more) or 250 × 105 mm (2 or three wheel vehicles) with wide alphabets and a stripe that separates the registration numbers and expire date.[ix] In the lower left and upper correct corners, there is the Traffic Constabulary symbol, while at the lower right and upper left corners, there is a "DIRLANTAS POLRI" sign as a security feature and to testify the originality of the license plate.

The blueprint of Indonesian registration plate for private vehicles (particularly cars, trucks, and buses) from April 2011 to June 2022.[2]

On April 2011, the design of the license plate was totally redesigned. The size is five cm longer to suit more alphabets. The typefaces are slimmer. The Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police (Korps Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia/Korlantas Polri) introduced their more than consummate glaze of artillery (with shield and ribbon with the letter "Dharmakerta Marga Raksyaka"). The phrase of "DITLANTAS" was changed into "KORLANTAS". The material for the license plate is made from aluminium with 1 mm thick, with edge lines with the aforementioned color with the numbers. The size of the plate for ii or 3 wheel vehicles at present is 275 mm long with 115 mm wide, while for iv wheel vehicles or more is 430 mm long with 135 mm wide.[10] [eleven]

The new color scheme of the personal vehicle plates since 2022.

Since June 2022, The Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police changed the colour scheme for personal and rental vehicles. The plates were changed from black plates with white letters into white plates with blackness letters. The reason for the implementation of the new color scheme is to ease the detection of motoring offenses with the Traffic enforcement camera.[ii]

Registration plate blueprint [edit]

Design convention [edit]

Measured at approximately 460 by 135 mm and constructed from stamped metal sheet. With some exception (run into below), vehicle registration plate in Indonesia utilize the post-obit format: LL NNNN LL where "L" are messages of the Latin alphabet, and "Northward" numbers from "0" to "ix" (note that the first number is never a "0"). The showtime single or double letter prefixes announce the area of registration. This is followed by number betwixt i and 9999 without leading zeroes. This is then followed by one or two letters although they may be optional. For example: B 1766 RKO is a vehicle registered in East Jakarta city, considering it begins with B. A smaller, four digit numbers separated by dot is located at the tiptop (erstwhile format, with horizontal line as divider) or bottom (newer format, commonly without divider) of the plate with following format: NN・NN which denote the month and year of when the plate will elapse (e.grand. 09•27 means until September 2027), and the owner must pay the tax to renew it every 5 years.[ citation needed ]

A Toyota Innova with special "RF" suffix plates for Government, Military, Police, and Civil officials.

A separate format exists for private vehicles belonging to authorities, military or police officials. Because most of these officials are based in Jakarta, Vehicles belonging to country officials use the "B" suffix which indicates the vehicle is from Jakarta, along with the 4 numbers which are assigned to the vehicle. Still, the sub-area suffix is replaced with an "RF" suffix code indicating that the vehicle belongs to a state official, followed past some other letter which indicates the type of state official which owns the vehicle.[ citation needed ]

  • "RFS" - Vehicle registration code intended for civilian officials.
  • "RFD" - Vehicle registration code intended for Indonesian army officials.
  • "RFL" - Vehicle registration code intended for Indonesian navy officials.
  • "RFU" - Vehicle registration code intended for Indonesian air force officials.
  • "RFP" - Vehicle registration code intended for Indonesian law officials.

For example, "B 1703 RFS" indicates that the vehicle belongs to a noncombatant official, whilst "B 1148 RFP" indicates that the vehicle belongs to a police official.

Also in Jakarta, these codes are applied based on vehicle classes. These include:[ commendation needed ]

  • A – Lawmaking for Sedan/Pickup new
  • C - Pickup new
  • D – Code for Truck new
  • F/M/O/Z – Code for Minibus new
  • *HX/*Nine – Code for Ambulance
  • J – Code for Jeeps and SUVs new
  • Q – Code for government staff/Truck mutation
  • T – Lawmaking for Taxi
  • U – Lawmaking for government staff
  • V/M/G – Lawmaking for Minibus mutation

For example, "B 9031 BAY" indicates that the vehicle is a pickup, whilst "B 1032 DKA" indicates that vehicle is a minibus.

Registration surface area codes [edit]

A map where surface area codes are assigned

The lettering convention to denote the surface area of registration is a legacy of the Dutch colonial era and does non reflect the electric current regional divisions of the country into provinces. Instead, they follow the old organization of Dutch Karesidenan or residencies lettering systems, which were established in the 1920s.[12]

The list of area codes are:[13]

Prefix Letter of the alphabet Partitioning
A Banten, except Tangerang Regency
AA Primal Java ex Kedu residency: Magelang Regency, City, Purworejo, Kebumen, Temanggung, Wonosobo
AB Yogyakarta
Advertizing Central Java, ex Surakarta residency: Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Boyolali, Sragen, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Klaten
AE East Java, ex Madiun residency: Madiun Regency, City, Ngawi, Magetan, Ponorogo, Pacitan
AG East Java, ex Kediri residency: Kediri Regency, Metropolis, Blitar Regency, City, Tulungagung, Nganjuk, Trenggalek
B Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang Regency, Metropolis, South Tangerang, Bekasi, Bekasi Regency
BA West Sumatra
BB North Sumatra, West coast region: Dairi, Pakpak Republic of india, Samosir, Toba Samosir, North Tapanuli, Humbang Hasundutan, Central Tapanuli, Sibolga, South Tapanuli, Padangsidempuan, Padang Lawas, Due north Padang Lawas, Mandailing Natal, Gunungsitoli, Nias, South Nias, W Nias, North Nias
BD Bengkulu
Exist Lampung
BG South Sumatra
BH Jambi
BK North Sumatra, E coast region: Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang, Langkat, Karo, Serdang Bedagai, Tebing Tinggi, Simalungun, Pematangsiantar, Batubara, Asahan, Tanjungbalai, Labuhan Batu, North Labuhan Batu, Southward Labuhan Batu
BL Aceh
BM Riau
BN Bangka Belitung
BP Riau Islands
D West Coffee, ex Bandung residency: Bandung Regency, City, Cimahi, West Bandung
DA S Kalimantan
DB Mainland of North Sulawesi
DC West Sulawesi
DD South Sulawesi, South region: Makassar, Gowa, Maros, Pangkajene Islands, Takalar, Jeneponto, Bulukumba, Bantaeng, Selayar
DE Maluku
DG North Maluku
DH E Nusa Tenggara: Timor
DK Bali
DL North Sulawesi: Sangihe Islands, Talaud Islands, Sitaro Islands
DM Gorontalo
DN Central Sulawesi
DP South Sulawesi, North region: Barru, Parepare, Pinrang, Sidenreng Rappang, Enrekang, Tana Toraja, North Toraja, Luwu, Palopo, North Luwu, Due east Luwu
DR W Nusa Tenggara: Lombok Island
DT Southeast Sulawesi
DW S Sulawesi, Fundamental Region: Bone, Soppeng, Wajo, Sinjai
Eastward West Java, ex Cirebon residency: Cirebon Regency, City, Indramayu, Majalengka, Kuningan
EA Westward Nusa Tenggara: Sumbawa island
EB East Nusa Tenggara: Flores Island, Alor, Lembata
ED East Nusa Tenggara: Sumba Island
F W Java, ex Bogor residency: Regency, City, Cianjur, Sukabumi Regency, Metropolis
G Central Java, ex Pekalongan residency: Regency, City, Tegal Regency, City, Brebes, Batang, Pemalang
H Fundamental Java, ex Semarang residency: Semarang Regency, Urban center,Salatiga, Kendal, Demak
K Central Java, ex Pati residency: Pati, Kudus, Jepara, Rembang, Blora, Grobogan
KB West Kalimantan
KH Central Kalimantan
KT East Kalimantan
KU Northward Kalimantan
L Due east Java: Surabaya
G East Java: Madura Island
Due north East Java, ex Malang residency: Malang Regency, City, Regency, City, Pasuruan Regency, City, Lumajang, Batu
P East Java, ex Besuki residency: Bondowoso, Situbondo, Jember, Banyuwangi
PA Papua[14]
Pb West Papua
R Central Java, ex Banyumas residency: Banyumas, Cilacap, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara
S East Java, ex Bojonegoro residency: Bojonegoro, Mojokerto Regency, Metropolis, Tuban, Lamongan, Jombang
SB Surabaya: Rickshaws
T West Java, ex Karawang residency: Purwakarta, Karawang, Subang
W East Java, ex Surabaya residency outside Surabaya Metropolis: Sidoarjo, Gresik
Z West Coffee, ex Eastern Parahyangan residency: Garut, Tasikmalaya Regency, City, Sumedang, Ciamis, Pangandaran, Banjar

Several areas provide license plates for non-motorized ship vehicles. In Yogyakarta, YB is used for rickshaws, while YK is used for andongs. A white-on-blueish license plate with surface area code SB are issued for rickshaws operating in the city of Surabaya. In Banjarmasin, rickshaws operating in the city are issued with plate using a unique format, XXXX BS.[ citation needed ]

There were several area codes no longer in use. These include:

  • BR – ex Kalimantan Residency, western region[12]
  • DF – East timor[15]
  • DS – Papua prior to 2016.[14]

Color coding [edit]

Vehicles in Indonesia are coded based on their classes and uses. These include:[16]

Format scheme for Commercial vehicle or Public transportation.

Format scheme for Government-owned vehicle.

  • White on black: The near mutual blazon of registration plate, for privately endemic vehicles. Trucks that are registered for private use were issued with this plate, so are the ambulance.
    • Blackness on White: For privately endemic vehicles. Trucks that are registered for private use were issued with this plate, and then are the ambulance. This new color scheme is used since June 2022 to detect motoral offenses with the Traffic enforcement camera.[2]
  • Scarlet on white: Vehicles that accept not been registered yet, or for new cars that have no owners yet or no legal identification.
  • Blackness on yellow: Commercial vehicle or public transportation, such equally buses, taxis, angkot, auto rickshaws and commercial trucks.
  • White on red: Used by fire departments, regime ambulances, authorities officials and other governmental vehicles administered nether their respective local governments.
  • Black on Ruby-red: Vehicles belonging to strange countries. Ordinarily used by foreign embassies or vehicles belonging to International organizations.
  • Black on White with Black Trim: Vehicles belonging to Diplomatic Corps of foreign countries. Commonly used by strange embassies or vehicles belonging to International organizations.
  • Black on green: Free Zone vehicles i.e. Batam (run into Republic of indonesia–Malaysia–Singapore Growth Triangle).
  • Blue on white: Vehicles belonging to strange countries, mainly used before the vehicle has been registered.

Special Color for Electric Vehicles [edit]

In accordance with the times, the Indonesian National Police set a special license plate for electrical vehicles with additional with blue trim at the elapse appointment row in accordance with the regulations contained in the Decree of the Head of the Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police in 2020.[17] [xviii] [19]

  • White on Blackness with Blue Trim: for privately owned electric vehicles and rental electric vehicles
  • Blackness on Yellow with Blue Trim: for commercial electric vehicle or public transportation.
  • White on Cherry with Blueish Trim: for governmental electric vehicles administered under their respective local governments.
  • Black on White with Blue Trim: for foreign embassies or electric vehicles belonging to International organizations.
  • Black on Green with Blue Trim: for electric vehicles at the Complimentary Merchandise Zone. (encounter Republic of indonesia–Malaysia–Singapore Growth Triangle).

Special plate designs [edit]

Military and police vehicles [edit]

Militärkennzeichen Indonesien.jpg

Indonesian Navy License Plate.jpg

Armed forces and constabulary vehicles have their own colors and alphanumeric conventions, including their insignia and/or the rank of the officer owning the vehicle, especially for loftier-ranking officers. Army-personnel vehicles are yellow on dark-green background, plus a yellow star on the meridian. Navy-personnel plate is yellow on light blue, plus a yellow anchor. Air Force-personnel plate is yellow on dark blue, plus a red and white air force roundel. Law plate is yellow on black. Personnel in Armed Forces Headquarters uses yellow numbers on carmine background plates. Slightly similar, Ministry of Defense force vehicles also uses yellow on cerise plates, but replacing Military' insignia with the Ministry building'south insignia. This is also being implemented on other military vehicles, such every bit motorcycles, jeeps, trucks, tanks, etc.

Senior government officials [edit]

Vehicle registration plates belonging to senior government officials similar the president or vice president always begin with RI (which stands for "Republik Indonesia") and are followed by a number. For example, the president's registration plate is "RI-1", and the vice president'due south is "RI-two". Other senior officials such equally authorities ministers, the chairman of the House of Representatives, the commander of the National Armed Forces and the primary of the National Police also share the same convention and get the numbers subsequently the President and vice president. These plates are used for everyday activities and have a white on black blueprint.

In a special case, there are some very special numbers which are "Republic of indonesia 1" and "INDONESIA 2" for the President and Vice President, respectively. These numbers are used for a formalism purposes, such every bit presidential/vice presidential inaugurations, national day ceremonies and military machine day. On the inauguration day, at the time the new president/vice president take the oath, the plates are moved from the former presidential/vice presidential cars to the new car. These numbers besides beingness used for all formalism presidential/vice presidential cars, no matters what the type of the vehicles used, and being white on red design.

Foreign countries or international organizations [edit]

An Indonesian diplomatic plate on a vehicle endemic by the Norwegian embassy in Dki jakarta.

Registration plates for vehicles belonging to the authorities of foreign countries or international organizations follow a dissimilar convention. They have blackness letters on a white background.

The plates have the letter of the alphabet CD followed by 2 or three digits denoting the state or organization, followed past up to three digits of the serial number. For example, a machine with number CD 66 88 is owned past Vietnam. Generally, the number 01 is reserved for an ambassador'due south official vehicle.

The numbers are ordered based on when they recognized Indonesia as a state. The U.s.a. was originally assigned CD 13; due to the stigma associated with the number xiii, they asked the Indian delegation to exchange numbers.

The listing of countries and organizations follows:

Lawmaking Country or Organization
CD 12 United States
CD 13 India
CD 14 France
CD 15 U.k.
CD 16 Philippines
CD 17 State of the vatican city
CD xviii Commonwealth of australia
CD 19 Norway
CD twenty Iraq
CD 21 Pakistan
CD 22 Belgium
CD 23 Myanmar
CD 24 United Arab Emirates
CD 25 Red china
CD 26 Sweden
CD 27 Saudi arabia
CD 28 Thailand
CD 29 Egypt
CD 30 Italy
CD 31 Switzerland
CD 32 Germany
CD 33 Sri Lanka
CD 34 Denmark
CD 35 Canada
CD 36 Brazil
CD 37 Russia
CD 38 Afghanistan
CD 39 Serbia
CD 40 Czechia
CD 41 Republic of finland
CD 42 Mexico
CD 43 Hungary
CD 44 Poland
CD 45 Iran
CD 47 Malaysia
CD 48 Turkey
CD 49 Japan
CD 50 Republic of bulgaria
CD 51 Cambodia
CD 52 Argentina
CD 53 Romania
CD 54 Greece
CD 55 Hashemite kingdom of jordan
CD 56 Austria
CD 57 Syria
CD 59 New Zealand
CD threescore Netherlands
CD 61 Republic of yemen
CD 63 Portugal
CD 64 People's democratic republic of algeria
CD 65 Democratic people's republic of korea
CD 66 Vietnam
CD 67 Singapore
CD 68 Kingdom of spain
CD 69 Bangladesh
CD seventy Panama
CD 74 Earth Health Organisation
CD 75 South korea
CD 76 Asian Development Bank
CD 77 World Banking company
CD 78 International Budgetary Fund
CD 79 International Labour Organization
CD lxxx Papua New Guinea
CD 81 Nigeria
CD 82 Chile
CD 85 Venezuela
CD 87 Republic of colombia
CD 88 Brunei Darussalam
CD 90 International Finance Corporation
CD 94 Belarus
CD 97 Reddish Cross
CD 98 Kingdom of morocco
CD 99 European Union
CD 100 Asean Secretariat
CD 101 Tunisia
CD 102 State of kuwait
CD 103 Laos
CD 104 Palestine
CD 105 Cuba
CD 107 Libya
CD 108 Peru
CD 109 Slovakia
CD 110 Sudan
CD 111 ASEAN Foundation
CD 114 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CD 115 Lebanese republic
CD 116 South Africa
CD 117 Croatia
CD 118 Ukraine
CD 120 Uzbekistan
CD 121 Qatar
CD 123 Mozambique
CD 130 Azerbaijan
CD 136 Bahrain

Consulates also use the aforementioned format, just instead of using the letters CD, they use CC.

Some foreign countries and international system vehicles in Jakarta utilize the " B xxxxx yyy " format and a normal white on blackness plate. Where "xxxxx" stands for five random digits, and "yyy" stands for the country / organization code (encounter above)

Vanity plates [edit]

An example of a vanity plate in Indonesia using the FE-Schrift typeface since 2019.[3]

A few vehicle owners pay actress to obtain personalized plates. Every bit such plates cannot include a total word, people try creative uses of numbers and letters. For instance, Idris Sardi, a violin actor, uses B x LA for his vehicle – a play on the word biola , which ways "violin" in Indonesian. Leoni, a famous actress and singer, uses L 30 NI for her car. Meanwhile, former president Megawati Soekarnoputri uses Grand 3 GA for her personal vehicle, every bit the plate resembles her broadly-known nickname. Edhie Bhaskoro Yudhoyono, former president Yudhoyono'southward younger son, has B 24 EB, with "EB" existence initials of his name. With the new format of 3 suffix alphabets, many vanity or personal registration plates are possible to be created. For example, a Toyota Fortuner-possessor may choose the plate B 42 NER which sounds similar B four-ii-NER. Syahrini, an Indonesian singer, has B i SYR as her registration plate number, with "SYR" being her initials. Notorious automotive YouTuber, Fitra Eri has a B 108 FIT plate on his Hyundai Ioniq v, "108" might refers to his birth date, and "FIT" refers to his offset name.

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b "Pelat Nomor Baru Kendaraan Lebih Panjang 5 Cm" (in Indonesian). 9 May 2011. Retrieved 4 June 2011.
  2. ^ a b c d Media, Kompas Cyber (3 February 2022). "Perubahan Pelat Nomor Warna Putih Mempermudah Sistem ETLE". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 22 September 2022.
  3. ^ a b Media, Kompas Cyber (1 September 2019). "Polri Ubah Jenis Huruf dan Angka pada Plat Nomor Cantik". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 22 September 2022.
  4. ^ a b "Kentekens in Nederlands-Indië". world wide . Retrieved 5 August 2022.
  5. ^[ blank URL PDF ]
  6. ^ a b "License Plates of Indonesia". . Retrieved 5 August 2022.
  7. ^ Sudjatmiko, Suryo. "Plat Nomor Putih, Perubahan Paling Signifikan Sejak Jaman Kolonial". Oto Driver (in Indonesian). Retrieved 5 Baronial 2022.
  8. ^ Billy. "Bracket Plat Nomor Polisi, Maaf Masih Terbatas! -". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 28 October 2021.
  9. ^ "Bracket Plat Nomor Polisi, Maaf Masih Terbatas! -". (in Indonesian). Retrieved v August 2022.
  10. ^ "Pelat Nomor Baru Kendaraan Lebih Panjang 5 Cm". detikoto (in Indonesian). Retrieved five Baronial 2022.
  11. ^ "Ini Dia, Desain Baru Pelat Nomor Kendaraan". detikoto (in Indonesian). Retrieved 5 August 2022.
  12. ^ a b "Mengapa Plat Kendaraan Bermotor Kalsel Harus DA? Inilah Catatan Sejarahnya". Jejakrekam (in Indonesian). Retrieved x July 2022.
  13. ^ "54 Daftar Resmi Kode Plat Nomor Polisi di Republic of indonesia". Samsat Keliling (in Indonesian). Indonesia One-stop Administration Services Part. Archived from the original on 12 August 2020. Retrieved x July 2022.
  14. ^ a b "Papua Ubah Kode Plat Kendaraan.. |". Archived from the original on three July 2016.
  15. ^ "License Plates of Timor Leste (East Timor)". . Retrieved x July 2022.
  16. ^ "Mengenal Pelat Nomor Kendaraan Berdasarkan Warna Dasarnya". (in Indonesian). 23 January 2022. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  17. ^ Indonesia, C. N. N. "Pelat Nomor Biru Berlaku Buat Mobil dan Motor Listrik". teknologi (in Indonesian). Retrieved 5 August 2022.
  18. ^ Media, Kompas Cyber (29 January 2020). "Resmi, Pelat Nomor Kendaraan Listrik Berwarna Biru". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 5 August 2022.
  19. ^ Indonesia, C. N. Northward. "Detail Warna Biru Desain Pelat Nomor Kendaraan Listrik". teknologi (in Indonesian). Retrieved 5 Baronial 2022.

External links [edit]

  • Undang-Undang Republik Republic of indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan – police force regulating registration plates, among other things (in Indonesian)
  • Indonesian license plates – Operation of Indonesian license plates (in Spanish)


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